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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help !! how to run a wall of 20 monitor in my nvidia geforce 8400 gs
issam   2010-01-08 21:54
hello guys
what is the best way to run a wall of 20 monitors in my nvidia geforce 8400 gs ,i only tryed to run 2 monitors with the help of nvidia control panel and it works great,
but i think it will be more difficult to run 20
what i am supposed to do ?
issam   2010-01-10 19:05
no one can help ?

any one can tell me what kind of hardware i need to run 20 monitors , any special graphic card or somthing ?
tsb88   2010-03-21 16:08
And WTF do u think ur doing with 20 monitors?
No gfx card will support 20 monitors...and I hope you have a personal nuclear powerstation to run the rig...!
Tony   2010-03-22 00:06
20 is alot! Maybe try outputting your computer's desktop to a video duplexer. Otherwise you can try with two (for starters) matrox triple head to gos. I know one works very well. Not sure how it will work w/ two, but if you keep the drivers off (cause I'm sure the software will work with one at a time) windows will just think it's one display each. If that works, try a third.

Good luck with whatever you're doing!
By the way, what are you trying to do w/ that many? You do realize you won't be able to play video games like that...
ecarlson   2010-03-22 14:12
How much money do you have to spend? If you have a few thousand to spend on just the video cards, it can probably be done with a few 8 output cards.

Also, what's the application: That can make a difference too -- Don't expect to run a high-power 3D game across 20 monitors.

If you don't want to spend that kind of money, and you only wanted to do 8 monitors, that could probably be done rather inexpensively: Just get a motherboard with 4 PCIe X16 slots (or use the X1 mod on the cards or slots), and run 4 cheap dual output video cards. For example, you could use four $30 8400GS cards, or something newer and even lower power like the 210 cards -- a good ordinary (like 350W) power supply should easily handle a system with 4 of either card, assuming the CPU used is not a major power hog.

- Eric
Greg   2010-05-10 06:56
12 or 16 is really the most you can do, although, 2 workstations running 10 a piece would be the best way to go. EMC can tie 2 computers together using a single mouse and keyboard.

Greg -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help !! how to run a wall of 20 monitor in my nvidia geforce 8400 gs

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