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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> primary monitor
dave   2010-01-09 23:50

i have installed a AGP X1650 Pro with 512 and a radeon PCI 7000 with 64, it's working ok but the pci card is the primary monitor and things like google earth run very slow on the x1650 monitors, should the x1650 be run as the primary monitor? does it matter which card is running the primary monitor?


Christian Studer   2010-01-10 08:01
The primary card may be doing the 3D rendering, most likely that's the reason for the bad performance. If changing the primary monitor via Display Properties doesn't fix the problem (after a reboot), go to the BIOS setup and change the primary card there, usually there's an option to either use the AGP or PCI video card as the primary card.

Christian Studer -
dave   2010-01-19 19:30

Didn't seem to do anything, i have to have the pci as primary in the bios as other wize can't get the agp card to boot for some reason, changing primary in windows to the agp and rebooting dosen't seem to do anything, i also noticed if i have the pci as primary in windows and change from 32 bit colour to 16 bit, then all the icons etc on the agp card monitors also change to 16 bit colour
dave   2010-01-19 19:58
answered own question again, i switched the bios back to AGP as primary, crossed fingers and booted it up and all cards were recognized, so now 3d etc seems about 5 times faster, hope this maybe helps others
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> primary monitor

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