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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Video lag and refresh issues
Prinler   2010-01-13 12:20
I was attempting to show a customer today your product and it works perfectly except it messes up monitor 1 to the point i cant use it.

Customer is using Quickbooks 2008. He needs to show his Quickbooks on both screens. Screens will be back to back. I set up the mirroring for only Quickbooks and it looks awsome! Looks like its going to work perfect! We bring up the invoice screen... make a sale and the screen changes and the main monitor does not refresh 100%.... you can see the old screen and parts of the new one on top. I have to minimise the program and then maximise to get the redraw... What gives? looks like an EZ sell for me but what can i do to fix it? Would a video card upgrade help?

Intel core 2 duo
2gb ram
Nvidia 6600gt
#1 screen: 22" Wide DVI LCD
#2 screen 15" Dsub LCD
Christian Studer   2010-01-14 00:26
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Prinler   2010-01-14 09:37
Im using the latest from your site. Beta
Christian Studer   2010-01-14 09:45
I've seen this as well on Windows 2000/XP or Vista/Win7 with desktop composition disabled, seems to be a Windows issue, currently I'm not aware of a fix/workaround for this.

You won't have this problem on Vista/Win7 with desktop composition enabled, application mirroring works differently in that case. Desktop composition is enabled if you're using the Aero theme.

Christian Studer -
Prinler   2010-01-16 13:35
So to confirm, a vista upgrade would run better? Does video hardware help?
Christian Studer   2010-01-17 07:31
Yes, but only if you use the Aero theme, with Vista Basic desktop composition is disabled and you'll have the same problem. If possible I would recommend getting Windows 7 instead, I've had better mirroring performance on Windows 7 than with Vista.

I'm not sure if this issue is related to the video card, but have only tested on systems with Nvidia video cards.

Christian Studer -
Prinler   2010-02-01 10:22
Windows 7 AND an ATI video card? This will run amazing?
Christian Studer   2010-02-01 12:21
Should work fine, but don't expect realtime performance, UltraMon at best comes close to realtime mirroring.

I have now tested with an ATI card as well, and it has the same issues when using the basic theme, so it seems to be a Windows issue and not a problem with the video card driver.

Christian Studer -
Prinler   2010-02-05 10:02
it seems to work fine with most applications in XP.... Its just Quickbooks... you make a sale and it doesnt refresh the MAIN screen when using program monitoring... when i have it set up to ONLY mirror quickbooks. when i tell it to monitor everything(default) it runs amazing.
We are still talking about this right'? do you have a copy of quickbooks you can try out?
Christian Studer   2010-02-06 08:29
The image on the mirror monitor gets refreshed properly, but on the main monitor there are drawing issues after making a sale?

Christian Studer -
Prinler   2010-02-13 14:55
Yes, if you make a sale, or take money. Anything that changes your screen. It refreshes and opens a new or older window. The redraw is messed up when you do this on the screen monitoring via application only.
Weights and messures said you have to mirror your screen to shop the customer what they are paying for... cause you cant have a pole display you have to mirror quickbooks screen. I told the customer to just use the mirror 100% he said he cant when he is making orders with his cost you cant let them see it! so we have to use the application mirror function. When this is used it messes up durring use so the main user cant see his own work! call me lets talk. 7606806464 steve
Christian Studer   2010-02-14 10:25
I'm not aware of a fix/workaround for this, seems to be a Windows issue. What you could do is use Windows 7/Vista instead, which won't have this problem due to application mirroring getting handled differently (only if you're using the Aero theme).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Video lag and refresh issues

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