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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing default location of Windows pop-ups
MG   2010-01-14 03:35
I have a quad monitor setup, nvidia nvs quadro 420 using multiview set up in a 2x2 configuration. Problem is that when you launch a program such as Remote Desktop, the pop up appears right in the middle of the four making it completely illegible. Nvidia was not any help saying that it is a MS issue. I tried to search some ini fils to locate these settings. Does anybody have a solution such that it will always pop up centered on the primary monitor?

Can Ultramon fix this?
Christian Studer   2010-01-14 09:48
UltraMon can't help with this, in Multiview (span) mode UltraMon will only see a single large monitor, that's also the reason for the issue you see.

Couldn't you just switch to regular extended desktop mode? Your video card should support this, and you will then no longer have this issue.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2010-01-14 11:15
I would have made the same suggestion.

If that is not an option, then see if there are any settings in the video card utils for controlling where windows pop up.

Another option is to use a screen divider program to divide the screen into multiple sections, but Extended Desktop would be my preferred solution, especially since I am not a fan of Span mode, unless you have a special need for it.

- Eric,
MG   2010-03-05 11:59
Thanks for the reply. I am using a plant control software package (Wonderware HMI) that needs the four monitors to appear as one single screen. Then I use the software to create four separate sections within the visualization software. I have the ability to have the software pop-ups appear where I want, but things like the windows login etc appear dead center. I am using an NVidea Quadro 420 and their tech support was not helpful.
ecarlson   2010-03-06 12:14
Switch to a 3x3 nine monitor setup, then when things pop up in the center they are on the middle monitor.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing default location of Windows pop-ups

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