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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I share my GT8500 with Monitor and Projector, Can't Set Monitor as Prime Screen
Jose Suarez   2010-02-02 03:23
I have a Computer with a Nvidia with two connectors (VGA and DVI), the first it is connected to a Monitor and the second to a monitor.

I always work in the monitor and sometines I use the projector for some movie. As result of this I confugure the system as DualView and I set monitor as Monitor Monitor (using nvidia config dual) however anytime i reboot it automtically sets the projector as main screen (maybe because use the DVI).

¿What happen next?
I have to switch on the projector as the Start menu is there, switch of the computer, unplug the projector and reboot again.
Sometimes I get so mad that I hot-disconect the projector cable so it switch to the monitor. As result of this I broke my projector.

Everyday I check for Ndivia driver, I manage to get one working but now I have migrated to W7 and I have the problem again.

Any suggestion????

Thanks buddies
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I share my GT8500 with Monitor and Projector, Can't Set Monitor as Prime Screen

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