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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> monitor shows enabled but not functioning at startup
Erich Riesenberg   2010-02-03 07:52
Using 3.0.9 RC
Windows XP Pro
12 monitors, 6 video cards

I had an older version of ultramon, since upgraded.

Upon logging in, the program shows 12 monitors, all enabled under "Display Settings." However, the 12th monitor is never actually functioning upon startup. I click on the profile under Display Profiles, and 11 of the monitors work fine, but the 12th stays off. I also have it set to start the display profile at startup.

The 12th monitor is evenutally made to function by toggling the "enabled" button off, applying it, toggling the "enabled" button on, applying it, and repeating the process many times. Eventually, the monitor begins to function.

When I toggle the "enabled" button off, the position of the monitor changes, then when "enabled" is toggled back on, the monitor moves to the correct position.

Eventually, the monitor functions. I am trying to avoid the need to toggle the enable button. It can take several minutes.

Thank you.
Erich Riesenberg   2010-02-03 07:54

Had the same problem with the prior version 2.7.1 64 bit, I think was the version.
Christian Studer   2010-02-04 06:12
What happens if you wait for a couple of minutes after system startup, then try to enable the monitor? Do you also need to enable/disable the monitor multiple times until it starts working?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> monitor shows enabled but not functioning at startup

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