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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can't layout screens properly
dave   2010-02-05 01:32

does anyone have any ideas on this, i have a 4 monitor setup 1 over 3, I have a trading package built in flash which i can't layout correctly, If i setup windows so it looks like the 4 monitors are flat across it works, but when i drag the 1 monitor over the top of the bottom 3 it won't work. At the moment i have windows so they a\re flat across but it's a pain as i have to go of the end of the far right screen to get the mouse on the top screen


ecarlson   2010-02-06 13:23
Do other applications work okay if you have the 1 monitor on top of the other 3? If so, then the app seems to be the problem.

If it is the app that is the problem, have you tried the app with the top monitor as the primary?

Also, are you trying to run only 1 instance of the app and stretch it over all the monitors? I don't think that will work if the area you want to stretch it to is not some sort of rectangle (like 4 in a row, or 2 over 2, or a vertical stack of 4). If you're running one instance on each monitor, that is a different story, and it is likely an issue with the app, as indicated above.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can't layout screens properly

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