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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia Twin View questions
Lea   2002-01-15 09:49
I have read in this fine web site that Twin View (which is what I think I'm getting with my nearly purchased Elsa Gladiac 511PCI) doesn't support real multi-monitor modes. I assume this means I cannot run SVHS on one of the 511 outputs and the SVGA on the other (at different resolutions)??

When I switch from SVGA to SVHS will I loose the SVGA on the other O/P?

Have NVIDIA sorted multi-monitor with W2K and detonator XP drivers?

Cheers for any responses.
mitko   2002-01-15 18:24
No in Win2K and WinNT there is no real multimonitor support for dualhead (TwinView) cards. It's a limitation of the OS.
On the other hand there is no such problem in Win98 and WinXP. In those OS's you can have different refresh rates an resolution on each monitor.
Lea   2002-01-15 18:52
Thanks for your reply. Looking at the Nvidia web site they imply Twin view has support under 98/XP and no mention of W2K....guess they're implying that Twin View doesn't function correctly in W2K -as you mention!

BUT - perhaps there are dll's which can be overwritten in W2K which will allow the benifits of XP twin view in W2K....???

Has anyone experimented yet?

Tony   2002-01-15 20:03
well the Matrox Dual Head cards allow different res and refresh rates in Win2K, but it took them something like a year to get it to work. So I guess it is a bit more complicated.

-nobody rides for free-
Statik   2002-02-06 00:24
I can confirm that a GF2MX in XP has multiple monitor support. I have a 14" monitor at 1024x768 and a 27" TV at 800x600 right now. Unfortunately, no indipendant displays!

Asus V7100Deluxe with latest Asus drivers.

Mike Blake-Knox   2002-02-06 01:42
I'm using Win XP on a Dell Inspiron 8100 which uses a NVIDIA GeForce2 Go (Dell Mobile) adapter with a 15" UXGA (1600 x 1200) internal LCD display and a 17" external monitor with a maximum of 1024x768 pixels.

If "resolution" means the number of pixels on a display, it runs well with two differing resolutions. If resolution means the number of pixels in an inch, I posted an inquiry about this as my LCD has about 150 dots per inch while the external monitor can only do about 90 dpi.

Sierra Peterson   2002-02-10 11:55
I am happily using TwinView in Windows XP with what I would consider true multi-mon support. I have two different brand monitors each with different resolutions and refresh rates.

Works fine.
Ed   2002-02-12 02:43
I got a Gainward GeForce 2 MX400, with Twinview, running Windows XP and two different monitors.

When I install nVidia's latest Detonator XP drivers and start Twinview, the desktop stretches across both monitors as one large desktop. I can't independently change the resolutions in WinXP.

Is it because I didn't uninstall the tools that were installed with the Gainward CD?

Please advise!
Sam Rule   2002-02-12 09:16
To prevent the window from stretching across both monitors you need install the desktop manager that comes with the nvidia driver. once the driver is installed, go to the advanced display settings and look around for an option to enable the desktop manager. From what i have found, it is not enabled by default.
Ed   2002-02-13 08:37
Thanks for the advice. I went to the advance settings and there is no Desktop Manager checkbox to turn on! :(

I saw another website that showed where it should be located by it doesn't show up on my driver display.

I have no clue how to get that to show..

Any advice would be appreciated!

Sam   2002-02-13 10:45
Go to the display settings.
Then click 'Advanced...'
Then click the tab labeled 'GeForce2 MX/MX 400'
Then 'Additional Properties...'
Then there should be a tab labeled 'Desktop Utilities'

Be sure to be running the latest drivers from nVidia.
Ed   2002-02-13 21:38
I appreciate your help in this matter.

I did goto that particular location and there is no check box to turn on the desktop manager.

I guess I will be sending emails to tech support to determine why its not there.
Ed   2002-02-14 08:31

Thank you for your assistance. I finally got the dual display to work!

What I had to do was to turn off the second monitor and then shut my system down.

Then, I turn on both monitors before booting. WinXP then recognized both monitors and turned on its dualview (with independent control of each monitor).

This is hopefully helpful to other people that may be trying to get dual monitors working on WinXP.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia Twin View questions

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