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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't access app's window on mon #2 when using Remote Desktop (RDP)
RiteGuy   2010-02-14 18:19
What is the best way to access an app that opens on the secondary monitor when I'm accessing a computer remotely using Microsoft remote desktop (rdp)? This is the configuration ...

> Use Windows 7 remote desktop client to remote into an XP or another W7 PC that has multiple monitors. The W7 PC is running the latest RC version (as Feb 15, 2010) of Ultramon

> After logging onto the remote PC in fullscreen mode, run an application.

> Application doesn't appear to have started, but it has. Its window is not visible because it's on the other monitor that I'm not seeing in the remote desktop client.

> Depending on the system (client system "remoting" in and the target system that I'm accessing), I may be using a brand new MS remote desktop client or an older version (possibly NT era).

I've been using UltraMon for a few years now and love it's reliable, simple, and functional operation. This issue is just annoying and I know it's not an UltraMon problem/issue. I'm hoping that someone has the experience and/or skills to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Christian Studer   2010-02-15 10:10
One thing you can do is maximize the app via right-click on the task button, this will move it to the primary monitor.

I've also seen this issue, seems to be a bug in Remote Desktop.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't access app's window on mon #2 when using Remote Desktop (RDP)

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