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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 7 - closing lid disables then switches primary
rhy7s   2010-02-19 09:36
Does anyone else have an issue with this behaviour in Windows 7? When closing the notebook lid the primary LCD switches off and the previously extended display becomes the primary single display. Under XP the display configuration would stay the same. Here is a thread with others experiencing this problem. One of the aspects of this behaviour I find most annoying is that the display color management profile doesn't stick so I have to change the profile manually to the correct one. I wonder if there is any registry value or other setting that can change this?
rhy7s   2010-03-24 13:48
There's a solution here.
ecarlson   2010-03-24 14:17
Thanks for posting the link to the fix. Was this the one that worked?:

"... You have to create in the windows registry a new DWORD value called "LidAlwaysOpen" and set its value to 1. The value should be created in the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\GUID_assigned_to_your_nvidia_card\0000 key ..."

- Eric
rhy7s   2010-03-24 16:34
Yep, that's the one.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 7 - closing lid disables then switches primary

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