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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clicking on 2nd minimizes primary
pendum   2010-02-20 02:33
When i got a game maximized on the primary monitor and click around on a website on my 2nd, it minimizes the program open on primary. Help?
pendum   2010-02-20 07:31
A little more detailed..

I just connected a 16" to my pc with my main 22". Im a gamer so i got ventrillo and mIRC on the secondary monitor. But if im inside a maximized game on my primary and want to, for example talk on mIRC. I click on mirc and my maximized game gets minimized. Can i do anything so it doesnt minimize?
Tom Nichols   2010-03-22 04:24
I am having exactly the same problem, just downgrade each monitor by an inch ;D

I have my 15" Monitor (Monitor 2) set up as my primary monitor (or Main display in Windows display settings.) This allows me to view my desktop on it, with my 21" (Monitor 1) As my secondary monitor. I have configured all of my fullscreen games to open on Monitor 1, which they do. But I tend to need to switch through a bunch of programs while gaming, say to open my browser, or msn e.t.c. These are configured to open on monitor 2, the primary one. But when you do, my fullscreen game minimizes, which I don't want. I want to jump right back into the action by returning the mouse back to monitor 1 and clicking.

I am looking into the problem now, and will get back to you if I discover anything.

Tom Nichols   2010-03-22 04:51
Me again... not alot to update you on.

The closest I got was running my fullscreen games in Windowed mode, and setting the res in game.

But careful... ny wrongly configured app in ultramon will screw you up and you need to start fresh. Also the windows and ingame res mean its a little too big for the monitor...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clicking on 2nd minimizes primary

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