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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMonMirror.inf and UltraMonMirror.PNF flagged as malware
Brandon   2010-02-23 13:51
I just ran Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, and it flagged these two files (and nothing else) as malware.

Can someone tell me if these are genuine UltraMon files? I've been using UM for years now, and none of its files have ever been flagged before, but this is the first time I've used Malwarebytes.

They're both located in C:\WINDOWS\inf\

Thank you,
Christian Studer   2010-02-24 09:49
Might be a leftover from an old installation, only versions up to 2.5 installed UltraMonMirror.inf in the C:\Windows\inf folder. UltraMonMirror.inf got installed as part of the mirroring feature, the associated .pnf file gets created by Windows. If you're using a later version of UltraMon, you can safely delete the files.

UltraMon 3.0.3 and later no longer install/use UltraMonMirror.inf due to the new version of mirroring.

Christian Studer -
Brandon   2010-02-25 13:24
Thank you, Christian!

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMonMirror.inf and UltraMonMirror.PNF flagged as malware

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