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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor missing in Device Tree
Zacha   2002-01-17 04:03

i have a GF 2 MX 200 AGP and a GF 2 MX 400 PCI. they are correctly installed under windows 2000 and shown in the device manager without problems. during installation windows also seems to init the second card. but there is only one monitor shown in the device tree and i assume this causes windows to not show more than one monitor at the settings tab of the display properties control panel page. so i can't activate the second monitor. i also tried moving the pci card to a different slot or installing both completele new. i already tried different driver versions but no success.

i can defenitely say that it isn't a hardware problem as i tried installing windows xp and they are working fine with it.

any suggestions? i hope cause i haven't got a clue anymore.
Calvin   2002-02-22 18:47
I have the same problem with my Geforce 2MX under XP. But it also happened with my nVidia TNT2 under 2K. Under XP it was working a while, but one day the monitor type set itself to default monitor and disappeared form the device manager. Not sure what prompted it to happen. I think it has something to do with nVidia's driver. First occurrence was about a year ago with the TNT2 after I istalled the newest nVidia driver. Haven't been able to find a solution. Please e-mail me if you have found a solution.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor missing in Device Tree

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