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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New video card for extra monitors (PCI-e)
Edge   2010-03-02 17:37
o, I have a DFI Lanparty NF4 non-SLI mobo with a bfg geforce 7800gtx. I want to add another graphics card so I can run 3 monitors. I bought a PCI geforce 2 mx/mx 400 a while ago that worked, but after reformatting my computer I couldn't find drivers that would allow me to run both the 7800gtx and the mx400. I looked on ebay for a another bfg 7800gtx and found a cheap one, but I got high and forgot to bid on it (life lesson right there haha). There are no more bfg cards on ebay for cheap (I'm looking for $50 shipped range), but there are some other brand 7800gtx's out there for around that price.

Now, I'm not doing SLI, so I assume it's irrelevant which card I put in the second PCI-e slot. Should I go with another 7800gtx for around $50 or are there newer cards in that price point that could equal its power? I like that the 7800gtx has 2 dvi out slots, so I'd prefer a card that has 2 or 3 dvi outputs.

Thanks for your help!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New video card for extra monitors (PCI-e)

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