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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Hmmm not happy Jan
koalahunter   2010-03-04 20:18
First off this app is a great help - I play MMO's on a tweaked up comp - ultramon is great for watching my temps ect on secondry monitor ect so I bought the handy lttle app online.
But sorry this is pissing me off hella I run vista (yes it's a pain I know) but every time I log out and blasted vista updates it refuses to reconise my main samsung 1920x1280 res monitor as the main and wants to run my secondary as the main. This is now out of control - even my main wont run 1024x768 it now says its out of range.
It noe wants 800x600 on my main and my secondry is black screen and not reconized in ultramon or other settings. 0_o
Plz help me with this I bought the damn program and now I'm stuck in a situation where even If I shut down ultramon both monitors go either black screen or 800x600 or "out of range" whitch is bullshit.
Sorry but I am fucking annoyed with this I paid for this and all it's doing is making shit harder.
System restore dosent work now!!! FFS ppl at ultramon I need help here plz!
ecarlson   2010-03-05 11:01
You might start by uninstalling UltraMon, then uninstalling your video drivers (making sure to reboot), then install the latest video drivers (again, making sure to reboot at least once), and get the monitors working correctly (and reboot at least once more to make sure it all stays correct) before reinstalling UltraMon.

Also, make sure you have Windows fully patched.

- Eric,
Christian Studer   2010-03-05 11:23
Seems unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon, I would also recommend doing what ecarlson suggested.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Hmmm not happy Jan

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