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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd Monitor keeps shutting down
Ryan McLaughlin   2010-03-05 01:59
I have an issue causing me a HUGE headache. Hopefully someone has the missing link of info I lack. Thanks in advance. Ok, Im running 3 monitors hooked to 1,100 watts, pentium 2 quad, 2 geforce 8800's connected with a bridge, and am running windows Vista. When I turn it on everything operates 100% fine for approx. 15-20mins then one monitor shuts down causing the whole system to reboot. After it reboots it only recognizes 2 mnitors and the otuer stays black , at this time you can notice a slight humm comng from the pc case. If i wait an hour and turn on it works fine then same problem after 4-6mins this time. Under display adapters it recognizes both cards and says they are operating fine. In my nVidia control panel it makes no mention of SLI Configuration, is that somehow my problem? Im not hardcore gaming just playing cards online so if anyone knows of any way to make this work I would appreciate any and all suggestions!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd Monitor keeps shutting down

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