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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 Other Taskbar
Pascal   2010-03-07 08:10

On my Windows 7 installation the 2nd screen taskbar is different then the one main taskbar:

But when I look on some pictues on Google it's possible to have the same taskbar as the main one.

How can this be done? I've got the latest version of Ultramon.

Many thanks.

Pascal   2010-03-08 02:02
After a restart it worked fine :).

Christian Studer   2010-03-08 08:12
Unfortunately I don't know what might have caused this, let me know if you get this again.

Christian Studer -
Pascal   2010-03-09 01:27
Hmm, I also don't.

But when I start Ultramon, the whole program, I get that black taskbar, but when I only run "UltraMonTaskbar.exe" or something like that, it works. Because I use that program on Startup because I only need that feature.
Christian Studer   2010-03-09 07:50
Most likely you're running UltraMon.exe in Vista compatibility mode, this way UltraMonTaskbar.exe would then get started in compatibility mode as well.

To fix this, right-click UltraMon.exe, select Properties from the menu, then select the Compatibility tab and uncheck 'Run this program in compatibility mode'.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 Other Taskbar

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