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Leo 2010-03-11 04:06
There has been several times that when coming back to use my PC after Screen Saver has started both monitors have solid bright Pink screen. Nothing works Cursor freeze must use Ctrl-Alt-Delete to clear screens. There has been 2 times that I had to do a hard shut down.
Christian Studer 2010-03-11 09:41
Might be related to the screen savers you're using, please try if you have the same problem if both monitors have no screen saver assigned (UltraMon will then only blank the two monitors).
Christian Studer -
Monica 2010-03-12 11:05
Christian, I don't use a screen saver (when sleeping the computer defaults to black screen)
Christian Studer 2010-03-13 09:44
Monica, what happens when the system resumes from standby?
Christian Studer -
Monica 2010-03-13 14:44
When it is on standby for a short amount of time (up to one hour or so), there is no problem. When it is on standby for longer times, in most of the cases it is ok, it just comes back. In other cases, it just does not come back to life and the only way to reboot it is to manually power it off. One thing that I noticed to my surprise is that if I have applications like outlook open, it usually comes back to life. If I close all the applications (which I do sometimes because then a reboot is less problematic), then I have almost certainly to reboot. So what I tried to do is to disable various processes--and if I have ultramon off, I do not seem to have any problem resuming activity. Of course it is still possible that it is something else causing the problem, but I was wondering is someone else had similar experiences, or if there is anything I can try. I have to say that I had this problem in the past too (but at that point I am not sure what the cause was, I did not check whether ultramon affected that)both with Vista and RC Windows 7, but it had disappeared with Windows 7 until I did the latest Ultramon update (the one that required the new registration number)
Christian Studer 2010-03-14 10:02
My guess would be a hardware or driver issue, UltraMon is basically just a regular application, and I'm not sure how it could interfere with resuming from standby.
I do have this myself occasionally, if I leave the system on standby overnight it occasionally fails to resume. But this seems to be a hardware issue, the system doesn't seem to even get to the point of starting the operating system.
Christian Studer -
Monica 2010-03-15 02:38
I assumed it was an OS/graphics driver problem and tried to solve it at that level, but never found any solution.
I run into this by chance - but it is replicable, and if you have the same problem maybe you could try this as well. My desktop only freeze with ultramon on and with all other applications off. If outlook is open, no problem. If ultramon is off, no problem (I tried a few time and keep trying, but of course it is a limited sample!)
I don't think that ultramon is the cause, but there may be some trigger that may help understand the underlying issue.
Christian Studer 2010-03-15 11:19
I'll check when I get this the next time, but if I remember correctly the system doesn't even get to the BIOS screen when this happens. I usually don't have Outlook open, but lots of other applications (Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer, etc).
Christian Studer -
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