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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help - laptop screen as secondary monitor (XP)
jvitz   2010-03-12 00:09
I have a laptop and a LCD monitor and I am trying to arrange my desktop such that the LCD monitor is the primary screen (Taskbar, icons and such) and the laptop's screen is an extension of the monitor's.

Everything is hooked up properly. Currently the external LCD is the extension and it's working fine. I go into display settings, and check the boxes to make my external LCD the primary montior. Once I hit "apply", the external monitor goes ILDE (as if I had disconnected the vga cable) and the display settings show that monitor as disabled. I can reenable it as the desktop extension, but if I attempt to make it my primary monitor, it disables itself.

Any advice?
jvitz   2010-03-12 00:21
Nevermind - the IT guy fixed it. Apparently it works if, instead of going to "properties" when you right click on the desktop, go to "graphics properties" which will take you to intel's graphics accelerator options.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help - laptop screen as secondary monitor (XP)

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