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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 6 Monitors under Win 7 with GeForce GT's?
Michael Chambliss   2010-03-18 16:44
I have an Intel Mac Pro that I run under boot camp with 6 monitors from 3 Nvida GeForce 9500GT cards. I currently run two of the monitors as one vertical unit and the other 4 as 2 horizontal units under Windows XP.

Under Windows 7, the new GeForce drivers do not support multi-monitor horizontal displays.

Will UltraMon provide the functionality that is now missing in the new Nvida drivers under Windows 7 64bit?


Michael C.
Christian Studer   2010-03-19 10:46
Span mode would need to be handled by the video card driver, UltraMon can't do this.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2010-03-19 11:32
What is the reason you are running them as 3 spanned pairs instead of as 6 individual monitors?

- Eric,
Michael Chambliss   2010-03-20 04:24
I use this computer for large spread sheets that do not work on single 23" monitors.

Michael C.
ecarlson   2010-03-20 06:59
You could still stretch the spreadsheets across more than 1 monitor. Of course, it's not as simple as maximizing it to a monitor pair.

- Eric
Michael Chambliss   2010-03-20 11:41
Maximizing vs dragging to size is not an issue. All this computer does is this one thing. The application windows never move, just have different contents.

So, possibly I'm being twisted up in language here. Are you saying that driver level horizontal spanning may not be important to my application? Hopefully so...

Given the lack of horizontal spanning with NVDIA GEForce cards under Windows 7, will UltraMon will enable me to have one desktop spread across the six monitors driven by the 3 identical cards? If so, that's the deal.

BTW: Thanks for sharing your understanding. Good information seems hard to get.

Michael C.
Christian Studer   2010-03-21 03:50
Windows will extend the desktop across all 6 monitors, you don't need any additional software for this.

As Eric said, you could then just un-maximize the spreadsheet, and resize it manually so that it stretches across 2 or more monitors.

Christian Studer -
Michael Chambliss   2010-03-21 15:42
Huge thanks, Eric & Christian. NVIDA and Apple were both trying to turn this into rocket science. So it isn't. Good. There is much confusion over this right now, and I didn't want to get into doing a whole OS upgrade to turn around and undo it the next day.

Michael C.
ecarlson   2010-03-22 14:38
Yes, I don't see anything complicated or out of the ordinary with your situation: It's just standard Windows multiple monitor stuff.

- Eric
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 6 Monitors under Win 7 with GeForce GT's?

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