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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Start Menu and Task bar on different monitors
Justin   2010-03-22 03:46
Is there anyway to have the start menu on one monitor and the task bar and time on another. I like the functionality of having the two monitors different but I want the time to display on the bottom of my right screen.

-Justin Parish
Christian Studer   2010-03-22 10:02
Currently that's not supported, the UltraMon taskbar doesn't support adding the start menu or system tray. Support for this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Rich   2010-04-20 09:04
Please add me to the list of those who want a start menu on both monitors.

What I was looking for was a tool that mirrors the entire task bar/start menu/etc across menu.


Adyz   2010-06-09 04:27
+1 to this. I can live without start menu button, but systray on each monitor would be very nice.
But hey, I'm in love with UltraMon anyway :-D Keep up the good work!
William   2010-07-27 03:44
yeah looking for it aswell... would be nice to be able to say which apps must display in that screens sys tray aswell...
Preston   2010-11-05 07:03
I agree with Justin. Ultramon needs this feature, and I'm VERY surprised that it doesn't already. Disappointing.
Thomas Longberg   2010-11-15 08:46
+1 here as well. What I would really like is more control over the taskbars on the non-primary monitors. Being able to choose individually whether or not to have the system tray and/or the start menu on any of the monitors (except the primary one) would be perfect.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Start Menu and Task bar on different monitors

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