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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> How to get two separate taskbars, but with two separate start buttons and with the ability to start the application in each taskbar and that its sensitive to the output to the display in which taskbar the application was started
Loa   2010-03-22 09:52
How to get the two separate taskbars (I dont mean that I only get the useful taskbar line, which is usfull to me),
I mean where is the ability to get the two separate fully functunal taskbars, with the two separate start buttons and with the ability to start the application in each taskbar.

Also how to enable the feature to output video overlay to the display in which taskbar the application were started. For example if I started the application from the second display I want to get the window of that application by the default in that secod display I dont like that application windows would started and sent to the first primary display.

For example if I used "start/programs/(and if I started some media player)" from the taskbar of the second display which is not primary display( that function is missing),
I want that I could get that application in the secondary output without clicking send to next display function!

Of course I cant find the function to enable execution on the secondary or onto the third display at all!

Also where is the function that you can set for the each application which is the display that you want to output the screen, and which would be the default.

For example I want that for my "media player classic" the default output windows position should be the secondary display or the third display. Now I cant set it because you didn't included such option!

Also in stretching mode on Win7 you cant get the video overlay full screen on two or more displays you can get the picture streched only in the windowed mode! Terrible!

I'm sorry to say but I don't see any benefit to ultramon if I compare it to Nview! Maybe some minor functions but that's it!

I expected a lot more from this tool!
As I see you and displayfusion were focused only on making functions for desktop and wallpapers like someone really needs it and you forgot to include the most important functions that would be useful to multi-display users
Christian Studer   2010-03-22 10:16
UltraMon taskbars don't support adding the start menu, but you can add toolbars, for example you could use True Launch Bar on the UltraMon taskbar to launch applications.

To configure custom position settings for an application's shortcut, right-click the shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab and configure the settings as desired. Please note that UltraMon may not be able to position all applications.

Stretching a video across multiple monitors works fine for me with Windows Media Player on Windows 7, but this isn't handled by UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Loa   2010-03-22 10:58
Its a shame that you don't support multiple start menu functions on multiple displays.
I dont like the True Launch Bar idea.

Also you should consider making intelligent system which would manage that if I start something from the third display that I automatically get the window in the third display.

Let me explain why I don't like the idea of "right-click the shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab" idea.

What if I don't use shortcuts but for example I'm starting Movies (mkv,avi's or ts) or PSD' Photoshop project from the "total commander", what about that scenario!

Please be clever and think how to cover all the ways of starting the applications, if you want to be best and above nview which is free!

Also I would like to see youtube proof of you starting the Video material on Windows 7 64 from the "media player classic home cinema" or "bsplayer" for the example with the "EVR" or "Overlay mixer" output in the multi-monitor full screen environment! Which is the only way to show the video output beside ultra lame WMR7 or WMR9.

Please take your Camera and take a video in which I can see that you have windows 7 and that you are playing the full screen video in full screen across all tree displays!

I'm telling you that because of some angry soul could take you on the court because of false pretense.
I'm layer by a second profession, and I know what I'm talking about, some angry soul could hurt your company, be cleaver what you make as a promise on your homepage:)

Currently when you hit full screen it fills up one monitor, not both or all tree!

If there is a secret settings please advice me about that one, show me a screenshots of your settings in ultramon, and of course youtube video proving that ultramon could span full screen video!
Loa   2010-03-22 11:15
Hmm there is no edit function on your forum I meant I'm "lawyer" as a second profession, its not important but I cant edit the previous post:)
Christian Studer   2010-03-23 10:51
Overlays are usually limited to a single monitor, but Windows Media Player by default doesn't use overlays on Windows 7. You can manually resize the video window across multiple monitors. But as I said this isn't handled by UltraMon.

Support for positioning applications even if the application wasn't launched via a customized shortcut will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Loa   2010-03-23 21:27
Christian, no one on the planet Earth with IQ over 94 is using Microsoft Media Player, neither someone the year 2010, is using in the WMR7 or WMR9.
Maybe there are some low IQ people who were sadist and who are willing to suffer the lower performance in HD, or the lesser picture quality, or the micro slicings in the picture renderer , or the picture tearing and the list could go on and on.

Its a good thing that you will consider this one because currently I'm seeing just the marginal support with Ultramon in Windows 7 to tell you the truth.

I hope that you will start your engines and rewrite the codes:)
tsmizzo   2012-07-05 22:44

I think you need to quit making unruly demands, read a book or two about programming language, and quit insulting people that are providing you with a software that you wouldn't be able to even begin to comprehend the greater workings of.

You'd think being a part-time lawyer would give you some perspective into things like this.
tsmizzo   2012-07-05 22:46
Oh, and by the way, I still use WMP12. I used WMP 10 and 11, and will most likely use 13 when/if it is released. It is a light-weight, easy to manage program, with a good looking UI.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> How to get two separate taskbars, but with two separate start buttons and with the ability to start the application in each taskbar and that its sensitive to the output to the display in which taskbar the application was started

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