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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icons lock to single monitor
Shudokansam   2010-03-30 17:48
Occasionally I use my primary monitor for my xbox, and I am trying to create a shortcut that allows me to make my 2nd monitor my primary (While disabling the original primary) while I have my xbox in use.

The shortcut I have made, works fine and opens firefox. But when I close firefox to change all of my settings back, all of my icons are locked to the 2nd monitor. Although they can be moved around the 2nd they snap back to it if dragged to my primary.

In fact the only way to get my icons back to the primary monitor is to disable my secondary and re enabling it.

I've tried utilizing the "Save/ Restore Icon" option with no success. Is there anything else I may have overlooked?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thank you
Christian Studer   2010-03-31 11:05
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Shudokansam   2010-03-31 15:48
Using UltraMon 64bit Version 3.0.1, and my OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Christian Studer   2010-04-01 10:31
I've been able to reproduce the issue, not sure though what causes this, might be a bug in Windows, the desktop icons are handled by the operating system, not UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Shudokansam   2010-04-01 12:57
I see. Thank you for your help
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icons lock to single monitor

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