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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quadro FX580 and GeForce GT220
John   2010-03-30 19:54
I about to built a computer (triple monitor) to edit in avid, i will use an quadro fx580 to drive my 2 LCD's. and i'am thinking to buy a GeForce GT220 to drive (HDMI) my 42" LCD. Is there any problem in this configuration? How do i install the drivers avoid problems? Thanks
Christian Studer   2010-03-31 11:09
Should be fine, but I don't know if the two cards will be able to use the same driver. This is only an issue on Vista though, Windows 7/XP in general have no problems with multiple different drivers installed.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quadro FX580 and GeForce GT220

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