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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor connection question
Namredos   2010-04-02 01:41
Using my HP notebook computer (Windows 7 PRO) I would like to add 2 monitors, requiring one to be connected to the HDMI port and the other on the standard 15-pin port. I would prefer to place the notebook out of sight and use the two external monitors only, with the desktop spread to both the external monitors, using a wireless mouse and keyboard for navigation. The notebook supports one external monitor and the notebook display just fine on one video card.

Will Ultramon support my desired configuration, and will there be any issues that I should recognize before acquiring matched displays?
Christian Studer   2010-04-02 10:26
That should work fine, laptops usually support either 2 external monitors or the internal + 1 external monitor.

UltraMon will work fine with such a setup.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor connection question

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