Ben 2010-04-20 12:05
Is it possible to add a shortcut key (hotkey) to turn off the monitor?
Christian Studer 2010-04-21 08:00
Would you want a hotkey to put all monitors on standby? There already is a hotkey for disabling all secondary monitors.
Christian Studer -
Ben 2010-04-24 17:18
Yes, that would be useful. I do not use windows sleep or screensaver. I would assume others would like to be able to have a Hotkey just to place all monitors in standby as well.
Christian Studer 2010-04-25 09:22
I'll consider this for a future release, thanks for the suggestion.
Christian Studer -
Ben 2010-05-07 16:28
Also, suggesting if it's possible to add personal program (DRIVE_UNC_PATH) hotkey shortcuts.
Lets say I want to add sidebar.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe), with the a hotkey, rather having it autorun... I can start and stop it with a hotkey
Christian Studer 2010-05-08 03:00
You can use the 'Run application or script' action to run an application, optionally with command line arguments.
Christian Studer -
Peter Crouch 2010-05-14 03:41
Just want to say I'd love for this option to be added to UltraMon.
I currently run a second little utility that sits there and consumes 17MB of ram all day, just so at night I can put my monitors on standby with a hotkey - words cannot describe how much that bugs me!