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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Gaming causes monitors to flicker
Andrew   2010-04-20 18:48
Hi Christian,
I hope this question has not already been asked.
Whenever I game, whether it'd be Heroes of Newerth, DotA, or any game on Steam, both my monitors would either flicker, stutter, or both screens going black for 5 seconds before returning to normal. This occurs roughly every 10minutes.

I tried disabling Smart Taskbar but that did not seem to be the issue. I also tried to lock the taskbar and checked Always On Top to the 2ndary monitor.

My OS is W7 64bit, nVidia 8800GT.
Andrew   2010-04-20 19:21
I'm not sure if this is a Ultramon issue, or a software issue. Before I had Ultramon, this did not occur. Only other thing I can think of is to probably uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security.
Christian Studer   2010-04-21 08:01
Seems unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon, to verify this check if you still have the problem without UltraMon running.

Christian Studer -
Andrew   2010-04-23 12:30
I left task manager open to see what could be the cause to my spikes. It turns out the culprit is highly to be KIS 2010.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Gaming causes monitors to flicker

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