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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move to Other WIndow button gone...
Ryan   2010-04-20 23:11
I have been using UltraMon for years now, and finally upgraded to the final 3.0.10 version from the Beta I was using a while. I was getting a ton of crashes with the Beta so Ultramon was not really being used because of this. Well, now with the new version I cannot see the button to move the window to the other monitor. I honestly see zero difference now with my multi setup than yesterday before the new version and when Ultramon was not even being utilized.

What happened to my icon to move the screen to the other monitor?

I am on Win 7, 32 Bit.
Ryan   2010-04-20 23:24
One note...I had it running in compatibility mode since i still was getting crashes. I unchecked this and the buttons came back, but if it keeps crashing on me without compatibility mode I may just need to get a refund.
Christian Studer   2010-04-21 08:02
What's the error message you get when UltraMon crashes?

Christian Studer -
Ryan   2010-04-21 16:14
Christain, I don't have the exact text, but it is a fatal error with a pop up box. SImilar to one that was posted earlier as a topic, but I am using Win 7.
Ryan   2010-04-21 22:41
One more thing, the buttons do not appear on the Chrome browser which I use often, but do appear on firefox/Opera. Is there a way to get them to show up on Chrome?
Ryan   2010-04-21 23:29
Well it just crashed AGAIN on is the message

UltraMon encountered a fatal error and will exit.

More Info:

Version 3.0.10
OS: 6.1.7200 x32
Source File ..\UiAcc\UiAccClient.cpp
Line: 302
Return Value: 0
Last Error: 0
Christian Studer   2010-04-22 08:15
You'll get this if UltraMon can launch C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UltraMonUiAcc.exe, but the application doesn't finish initialization within 5 seconds.

UltraMonUiAcc.exe is used to add window buttons etc to applications running as administrator.

Do you get this error when the system is maxed out, with CPU usage near 100%? You can check this via Task Manager, on the Performance tab.

Regarding Chrome: this is due to the custom window title bar used by Chrome, unfortunately UltraMon usually can't add window buttons to applications with custom title bars.

Christian Studer -
Ryan   2010-04-22 12:19
the system is nowhere near maxed out when this happens. Happened today after I was running just a single web browswer for 30 minutes or so, then it just crashed out of nowhere. Is there anything I can do to avoid this? UltraMon has become unusable now since it crashes almost daily, and I just paid for the upgrade too.
Christian Studer   2010-04-23 08:42
Did you get the exact same error message?

You should only get this when launching an application as administrator (Run as administrator).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move to Other WIndow button gone...

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