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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple monitor setup, 2x 27 inch screens and one TV.
Robert   2010-05-03 06:20
Now the two first screens will be allround screens, used from anything from schoolworks to gaming and theyre there in order to get the alttabbering mania under control. Anyone on this forum would know the feeling ;) I've been running two screens for years and no, im not ever going back to one.

Thing is, I'd like to add a third one, which will actually not be a computer screen but a 40" TV. Im allready running a ATI 5750 as my first card and very happy about that, but the third screen will mainly only be used for simple stuff, such as couchsurfing and watching movies. So can I get off buying say a Radeon 5450 as my secound card? Thereby running 1 powerfull and one less powerfull card on the same computer? Or do I need another identical 5750?

And to ask, what would be the ups and downs on either idea?

Thanks for all the fish?
Christian Studer   2010-05-04 07:56
Should be fine, most likely the cards will also be able to use the same driver so it won't matter from a compatibility point of view.

Christian Studer -
greg   2010-05-10 05:36
As long as you are in the same family of video cards, you shoul not have a problem. You will not be able to mix say, nVidia and ATI - but if you use 2 ATI cards, that utilze the same driver, yes you should not have a problem. At EMC Workstations, we use 4 cards to get our 16 screens - and UltraMon to break the 10 screen limit in Windows
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple monitor setup, 2x 27 inch screens and one TV.

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