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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel 2007 Hotkey for Workbooks on Multiple Monitors
DK   2010-05-14 05:08
The problem I'm having is that is with Excel 2007. The Ultramon icons are functional in the main Excel window, however, if I have multiple workbooks open, the Ultramon icons do not appear in the individual workbooks.

This causes me to span/maximize the main Excel window and have to manually resize the individual workbooks to to fit in the specified monitor I want them to be displayed in.

Is there no option to create a shortcut key to immediately switch the 2 workbooks to individual monitors, while the main Excel window spans across both screens?

Thank you in advance.

I believe I'm using 3.0
Christian Studer   2010-05-14 07:31
UltraMon can't help with this, what you could do is launch multiple instances of Excel manually, this way each instance can then be placed on a different monitor.

To do this, go to Start Menu > Run, type excel into the box and hit OK.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel 2007 Hotkey for Workbooks on Multiple Monitors

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