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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor outputs with Extended desktop the same on 2 of them
Ken   2010-05-19 12:09
Good evening,
I'm currently running XP with a Nvidia dual video out graphics card and a USB wireless VGA out, nothing fancy as I am using it for karaoke shows. The problem I am having is that I cannot get the extended desktop to be the same on 2 of the monitors. The primary screen (1)shows as it should and the second screen (2) shows the extended desktop screen as produced by the karaoke program, the third screen (3) however shows just the desktop background color. Does anyone have any suggestions or remedies for this? I am curious if UltraMon can do this for me? Thank You
ecarlson   2010-05-19 13:34
With extended desktop, all 3 screens have different content (different sections of the extended desktop), and you can drag windows among the 3 screens, or stretch windows over more than one screen.

From your post, I can't tell exactly what you want to accomplish, so maybe if you can describe what you want, someone can provide some suggested solutions.

My guess, though you didn't actually say, is that you want the karaoke program to display on one of the monitors and on the display connected to the USB wireless VGA adapter at the same time. I'm not sure if UltraMon's mirror feature will be able to do that with your particular software and hardware or not.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor outputs with Extended desktop the same on 2 of them

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