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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor configuration with two in mirror mode
jspark   2010-06-01 01:41

i need to configure 3 monitor(say A, B, C)

, and i hope A is primary main montior.

and B, C is running mirror mode.

is this possible? please don answer about 1:2 spliter.

what i need to know is in case of VGA card that have 3 output of hdmi, dvi, rgb and all port is connect to A, B, C monitor.
Christian Studer   2010-06-01 10:50
If the card can drive 3 monitors this should work fine, but most cards can only drive 2 monitors at a time, even if they have more than 2 outputs.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor configuration with two in mirror mode

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