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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> XP Home Dual Monitors
Steve   2002-01-24 09:25
Hello everyone,

Setting up my dual display has been a real battle with XP. It may just be my own incompetence, but I figured I'd give this a shot. Any comments/solutions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Currently I have a GeForce 2 in my AGP slot and an ATI Xpert98 PCI in slot 3. When Windows tried to install the drivers for the PCI card, it had an error (Code 10). I went into the BIOS and changed the primary display to PCI as opposed to AGP.

After a lot of screwing around with drivers for the GeForce2, I finally got the second monitor working..but extremely unstable! I kept having strange problems, and often on startup or resuming from standby, the AGP monitor simply doesn't work.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something obvious I should know before continuing to drive myself nuts over this?

Thanks again everyone!
David H   2002-01-26 13:05
I am having the same problem. My (AGP) TNT2 is primary, and a (PCI) ATI Mach64, but cannot get my PCI card to run, I get "Error Code: 10 Cannot start device." No new drivers available, I need some help, please...
Steve   2002-01-27 09:51
You can get yours working by editing the BIOS and making your PCI card your primary card. Then once you startup, go into Display properties, activate your AGP card and make it the primary display.

You'll always start up with your secondary monitor (splash screen, etc) but once you're booted up, your AGP will be your primary.
Ville   2002-01-28 08:06
I have the exact same problem. An Asus GF3 Ti2, and an old S3 Virge 4Mb DX I salvaged from a Linux box. Booting with AGP I get the same error code 10; Im going to try the PCI configuration - wish me luck.

Piero Dyer   2002-02-21 11:33
The same problem. The problem that I have is that if a Set the PCI monitor ad the primary in the BIOS then the AGP doesn't work, and get the same error in windows (code 10).
Any reasons why?

Shep   2002-02-23 05:38
I'm having the same problem, again... TNT2 AGP & ATI mach64 pci, assign IRQ to VGA set, pci primary card. (motherboard BIOS is award 4.51).

I understand the code 10 means "windows has not assigned an IRQ to this device" (which is obvious when I check IRQs). The reason for an IRQ not being set is not lack of IRQs/too many cards (established this by removing modem, NIC, soundcard, AGP card, and disabling floppy ctrl and serial ports and doing complete reload) !!!.

After all that pci card now in VGA only mode,and PC in tatters !! still with code 10. I've come to the conclusion that if I can't get the pci card to work as a stand-alone card, or indeed get bios to actually assign an IRQ to VGA, then I stand no chance of getting this setup to work duel screen, although it worked fine with 98.

Anyone got any ideas (hope I'm not going over old ground)
Barton   2002-02-24 01:42
OK All, I think I have the answer. I went through this same issue when I upgrade to WinXP Pro.

I had a ATI AIW Radeon AGP and an ATI XpertLCD running dual LCD Flatpanels.

Here's the problem. The Rage Pro drivers, which seem to be the default drivers for the Mach64 and the Xpert98, do not support open GL in XP. That may not have anything to do with multiple monitors, but it sure screwed up my plans.

After many headaches, and a suggestion from Christian, I'm now running my ATI AIW-Radeon AGP with a nVidia GeForce2 MX200 based card as my secondary. One interesting fact was that my BIOS defaulted to the AGP as primary. I changed it to the PCI card, re-booted and then changed it back to AGP and re-booted again. In the display properties, I have the AIW as the primary and the nVidia as secondary. All functions of the AIW now work including DVD and MPEG2 recording.

You should probably visit the Windows Hardware Compatability List in Microsoft's website. It's located at:

Look under "Display" and search for your hardware. If it's not listed unders WinXp, I'd pick another card. Thanks my two cents.

Shep   2002-02-25 08:45
Update on ATI pci problem..(from 23 Feb)

As hinted, ATI card is not listed as supported for XP on Microsoft site, but there again many cards are “not supported” at the moment. In my case I got an old S3 trio pci card from a scrap machine, and placed it in pci slot 1 in place of the troublesome ATI, and both monitors came straight up! It’s worth noting that the S3 card is also “not supported”, but as yet I’ve had no problems (it’s only been running for 3 hours). All I can suggest for anyone else who is using older (unsupported ?) hardware is if you have problems, try and get the card to work on it’s own first, if I had done this in the first place I’d have saved myself 6 hours work.
Joel Slade   2002-02-26 04:50
The ATI Xpert98 and XpertLCD will not work as secondary cards in Win2000 and WinXP (I believe). The Matrox G200 SD PCI with Flat Panel Option is a good alternative for a DFP display. The ATI Xpert 128 seems to be a good alternative at lower cost if only a VGA connector is needed.
Bluewater   2002-02-26 19:51
I had similar problem with my quite old S3 virge 325 PCI and TNT M64 AGP. The first time I upgraded my system from Win Me to XP, S3 card didn't work with yellowicon with exclamation mark in it.

Here is how I solved the problem.

1. Go to the system BIOS and set the PCI as primary graphic card.

2. Switch off the computer

3. Remove Agp card from the computer and restart. Now XP will install drivers for PCI card.

4. If the PCI card is properly set up in the system, switch off the computer and add AGP card.

5. Both will work fine now.

If you can live with PCI card as primary, dont do aything further.

The problem I had with this problem is that somehow the avi media display only a quarter of whole picture on the Primary monitor.

If this happened to you, then set the AGP as primary in Display property on the xp desktop. When you have done that, some programs will start on another monitor you may want the primary. Then you can switch back and forth between two monitors by changing monotors in Display Property.
Axident   2002-03-07 09:33
I had a similar problem. I had to set my PCI as primary to get the second card to initialise and then set it back to AGP as primary. Then there were some fun times had by all when Windows kept seeing my MX as my GF3 and vice versa and refusing to set the right one as primary. Got that sorted by removing and reinstalling. I also found that on my system I had to drop the AGP aperature back to 64meg from 128 or the second adaptor would only display a quarter of the screen. But I'm not sure if that's a BIOS, det driver or win2k problem. I'll sort it out when I've got time.

It works though :)
AbysS   2002-04-11 18:58
Has anyone else had the problem of Duel Monitors working great untill you take a window from monitor 1 (C Drive contents for example) and then try to expand it or click on something from it.... Then The 2nd monitor goes black, and your system is completly locked up! anyone?

Tanx for the help
jeffjansen   2002-04-15 03:28
your problem is your usein win xp
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> XP Home Dual Monitors

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