Rich 2010-06-05 22:30
I have lost the icon for UltraMon on the task bar and UM doesn't work when I click on the icon(?) on the toolbar at the top right where I get the window to select which monitor I want the page to go to. That window doesn't show up.
I went to Windows Explorer (WinXP) to see if I could install again or get the taskbar back but no luck.Usually I can just click on the Ultramon icon in Start-->Programs and get it working, but this time it doesn't work. What should I do?
Christian Studer 2010-06-06 12:48
Is UltraMon still running? To verify this, right-click the main taskbar, select Task Manager from the menu, then select the Processes tab and check if UltraMon.exe is listed.
Please also let me know which version of UltraMon you're using.
Christian Studer -
Rich 2010-06-07 13:16
UltraMon is in the Processes list. I cannot tell you what version because I can't open it. Thank you for your help.
Rich 2010-06-07 13:23
I don't know if this is helpful but UltraMon is listed twice in the Processes
Christian Studer 2010-06-08 07:51
To close UltraMon if the system tray icon isn't present, open a command prompt, then run the following command:
"C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UltraMon.exe" /stop
Once UltraMon has terminated (this can take a couple of seconds), start it again via the shortcut in Start Menu > Programs. You should then again have the UltraMon system tray icon.
I'm aware of an issue where the system tray icon may not get added after system startup, this issue was fixed in version 3.0.8.
Usually you should have two processes for UltraMon, UltraMon.exe and UltraMonTaskbar.exe. If you have two instances of UltraMon.exe let me know.
Christian Studer -