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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen possibility for second screen on Silverlight?
Ewoud   2010-06-08 01:19

First of all im sorry if this is already asked or something but i cannot seem to find it.

As the World Cup 2010 starts friday i decided to get another monitor. As this all worked fine i am now facing a problem.

When i'm opening for example:

I can move it to the second monitor on fullscreen but when i start to browse on the other screen or click in any other application the fullscreen dissapears. Is there any option in Ultramon to keep it fullscreen?

I am using windows 7.

Hope you guys got an option for it :)

Thanks a lot.
Christian Studer   2010-06-08 08:11
UltraMon can't help with this, but they also have a Windows Media stream, which will remain in fullscreen on the secondary monitor if you work with an application on the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Ewoud   2010-06-08 10:19

Thanks for your reply.

For the world cup live matches are on another site, which i think it would be in Silverllight, thats why i mentioned this link.

Thanks for the suggestion about WMP, i will search for those streams then.

Ewoud   2010-06-28 07:57
Hi Christian,

About the fact you mentioned on the link i gave in the first post; could you tell me how you came up with the fact that the link is also viewable in WMP?

I tried to find it but cant find...

Thanks a lot!
Christian Studer   2010-06-28 09:03
For me the video automatically gets played in Windows Media Player (embedded on the web page), maybe because I don't have Silverlight installed, not sure about this though.

Christian Studer -
Ewoud   2010-06-28 09:22
Little addon:

Without uninstalling Silverlight
Ewoud   2010-06-28 09:23
Sorry, didnt see ur reply yet.

I get the WMP stream when i uninstalled Silverlight, but thought u had some url or something to skip the silverlight without uninstall...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen possibility for second screen on Silverlight?

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