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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Maximizing applications in Win 7 by right clicking task bar icon
Scott   2010-06-11 06:51
This is about Adobe Acrobat 9 pro, but also affects other applications from time to time.

My laptop screen and the attached secondary are set at their maximum resolution, and the secondary has more lines. If an Adobe document is open on either screen at less than maximum and I move it to the other screen with the button provided by UltraMon, the resizing works perfectly.

If an Adobe window is open on the larger screen at full top to bottom (but not maximized) size, opening a new document occurs on the primary screen and the top border is off the top edge out of sight. The taskbar on the primary does not let me right click an icon and maximize the window, although I can do it on the secondary with the task bar that UltraMon provides.

This doesn't appear to be a shortcoming with UltraMon. Adobe behaved the same on XP, but the XP task bar allowed right click maximize.

How can I enable that function in Windows 7?

Thanks for any help.
Christian Studer   2010-06-11 08:56
This option is still available, but you'll need to press SHIFT when right-clicking the task button on the main taskbar to bring up the menu with the maximize option, by default the Windows 7 taskbar shows a different menu.

Christian Studer -
Scott   2010-06-14 01:25
Excellent, Chris, thank you.

Another subtle difference between Win 7 and XP.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Maximizing applications in Win 7 by right clicking task bar icon

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