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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 3 AGP and Geforce2MX PCI... help
Kurt Houben   2002-01-25 09:47
Well, my PCI GF2MX (Creative) came today from a guy that got on a forum, fresh from RMA.

so i install it, and give it the same drivers as my gf3, the 21.85's... and now when i move the mouse over to the other monitor, sometimes it will hard lock the computer... something that NEVER happened with my Matrox Millenium.

wtf can i do?... right now i have the 2nd monitor disabled so i can use the computer...

is this a driver issue, could it be something physically wrong with the card?

anyway, im on a kt133a, gf3, gf2mx... anything else you need, just ask, so you can help me.
Bob Roberts   2002-01-26 00:24
Hey there :

I posted earlier *twice* on the thread as well as others to say that the Geforce 3 Ti 200 / MX 400 route didn't work on XP and someone else mentioned that it was a driver issue.

In anycase, I went out and got a Radeon 8500 and that did the trick. *wink*. Also - note that the 8500 had scored 1000+ 3D Marks higher than the GeForce 3 Ti 200. Had to do it again to make sure I wasn't kidding myself. :)


Bob   2002-01-27 06:50
Welcome to the VIA chipset nightmare.

If your running an SBLive soundcard w/ a Via Chipset; you'll need to replace it with a different soundcard (not Creative).

Lockup evaluation: Using a via chipset... have lockups?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 3 AGP and Geforce2MX PCI... help

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