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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Taskbar not unhiding in certain situations
DaleStan   2010-06-18 02:55
As it says in the subject, an auto-hiding UltraMon taskbar does not un-hide in certain situations where the main Windows taskbar will un-hide.

To wit, if I am attempting to drag an object between windows (move a file by dragging between explorer windows, for example) and the target window is minimized or otherwise not visible on my main monitor, I can drag the object down to the auto-hiding Windows taskbar, wait for it to un-hide, hover over the target window, wait for the window to appear, and then drop the file.

If the target window is on my secondary monitor, the procedure runs as above, until I get to "wait for the UltraMon taskbar to un-hide", which it will never do. I have to instead make the target window visible first, then switch back to the source window to perform the drag.

System information:
Windows XPSP3, UltraMon 3.0.10. Two monitors: 1680x1050 and 1280x1024. Smart Taskbar enabled and in standard mode. Windows and UltraMon taskbars both set to always on top, auto-hide, and locked.
Christian Studer   2010-06-18 09:09
Thanks for the bug report, I'm seeing that as well. Will look into this for a later release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Taskbar not unhiding in certain situations

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