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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move to Other Monitor with mixed Portrait/Landscape monitors
Brandon   2010-06-21 04:38
I recently added another monitor to my setup at work and it happens to be a portrait view (same exact monitor and resolution as my other monitor). What I've noticed is that when I move a window to my other monitor, the dimensions of the window don't take into account the fact that the monitor is flipped to portrait. For example, if my browser is set to 800x600 (short and fat) on the landscape monitor, when I move it to the portrait monitor, the dimensions are reversed to 600x800 (so it is tall and skinny).

The monitor is registered as landscape in the Windows 7 screen resolution settings and of course if I drag the window, the resolution is the same.
Christian Studer   2010-06-21 08:40
By default UltraMon will resize windows proportionally, to change this go to UltraMon Options > General and set Resize Mode to 'to fit'. This way the window will only get resized if it wouldn't fit onto the other monitor otherwise.

Christian Studer -
Brandon   2010-06-23 05:49
Works perfectly! Thanks. Now I need to see if I can get WinSplit to work like this, too.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move to Other Monitor with mixed Portrait/Landscape monitors

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