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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing identity - Win 7
mike B   2010-06-22 08:00
Essential: How may I easily change how the monitors identify themselves using Win x64? I realize I can change position of each monitor easily, but I want to designate monitors as particular numbers.

I have been running two monitors for a while without any issues. I got a new monitor for a total of three now. My primary is running off the motherboard while the other two are running of an Nvida card. Set up with Win7x64 was easy, just move orientation and placement through the display properties. The issue I have is with child window. Windows identifies my monitors from left to right - 1, 2, 3. Monitor 2 is my middle and primary [taskbar, most work/use] with monitor 3 on the right my secondary. Monitor 1 is portrait oriented on the left. Whenever I try to enable the second monitor with Lightroom 2 (with middle monitor being primary), it opens the second screen into Monitor 1 on my left. I want it to go to my right, however this is not simply a window I can manipulate (move, minimize, etc). Is there a way through Ultra Mon or Win 7 to simply change how the monitors identify themselves? I'd like my order to be 3, 1, 2. This isn't a huge deal, but something I'd like to fix just to ease my work flow.

Christian Studer   2010-06-22 08:19
That's not possible, what you could try is to change monitor connections, connect monitor 3 to the video card connector which is currently connected to monitor 1.

This would work with earlier versions of Windows, I'm not sure though if it will also work with Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing identity - Win 7

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