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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Creating a fake display?
Muncher   2010-06-27 09:39
I need to be able to send signal to TV ports on my card without anything actually being plugged into it.

Is this possible?

The reason being is that I have wired in a panel that picks up signal from the cards when there is video being sent to it.

But sometimes there will be nothing plugged into the panel on bootup so when it hits desktop and then they plug into it nothing will appear. If there was a fake display set up, there would always be video sent to that head.

ecarlson   2010-07-01 05:01
Is this a standard composite video output (single RCA connector)? If so, then you could put a 75 ohm (it doesn't have to be exact) resistor across it when you remove the video cable, so that the card still sees a load. You could use a cheap video switch (or make your own) to switch between the resistor and a real monitor(s) to make it easier to switch: Just switch to the resistor before removing the monitor connection, and switch back to the monitor connection only after the monitor has been connected.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Creating a fake display?

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