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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does Geforce 4 have Multi Monitor output lke the R8500?
Tim   2002-01-26 09:34
I'm thinking buying a new compter to replace my outdated p3550 and g2+voodooo3 system. I'm wondering does Geforce 4 have Multi Monitor output lke the R8500? If it does which models will support it? Should I wait for the release of geforce 4 or get an ati r8500 now?
Bugger   2002-01-26 10:08
GeForce 4 suck ass...
sam   2002-01-27 03:26
There is no geforce4, only a geforce3. YOu can get gforce3s with a vga connector and a dvi connector, and a tv-out. i don't think there are any with 2 vga connectors. You should avoid the r8500, because of there dishonest tweaking of drivers to help benchmark scores.
Mike   2002-01-27 03:49

I'm using a Radeon 8500DV (built-in TV Tuner, Firewire, etc.) which does not have support for two VGA monitors. I'm not sure if the regular Radeon 8500 does. The 8500DV has the ability to use a TV as a 2nd monitor, but I'm in the process of trying to get a second video card working to drive my 2nd VGA monitor. The Radeon series is pretty good, and if you want to get some insights... visit the forums at

BTW, I'm not much of a gamer... but use benchmarks like 3DMark2001 to see where I stand. This card is slower than the regular 8500, but so far I'm up to 6730 3D Marks with the drivers from ATI's website. Way faster than my old Matrox G400 DH MAX. Typically, the 8500's are in the 7500+ range, but if you want to check, you can obviously look at MadOnion's database.


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does Geforce 4 have Multi Monitor output lke the R8500?

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