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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need Help: ATI 8500DV (Primary) & Matrox G200 (Secondary)
Mike   2002-01-27 03:32
Header kind of says it... but in a nutshell, I'd like a little help if possible so I can get this setup running properly. Here's the gory details:

Primary Setup:
20" Hitachi SS803, ATI Radeon 8500DV 64 Meg AGP card

Secondary Setup:
14" NEC Multisync 3d, Matrox G200 8Meg PCI card.

OK... I have both monitors working, but the max resolution I can get on the NEC is 640 X 480. Anything beyond that gets me noisy distortion with diagonal lines sort of :). All I want is 800 X 600, and if I replace the monitor with a 17" (soon), I might go one step further. At this point, I have tried making the PCI card my primary boot card in my motherboard's BIOS (Soyo Dragon Plus)and that didn't change anything except it posts on the small tube, then both light up. I can live with posting on either monitor since this setup is usually on 24/7.

So... if anyone has some ideas why I can't get any higher when the Matrox card is more than capable of higher resolutions... I'm listening.

Thanks in advance.

Mike   2002-01-27 03:37
Sorry... I should've added that my OS is Windows 2000 Pro.

Tony   2002-01-27 19:08
to me it sound like exceeding the scecs of that (old?) 14" monitor. The Matrox should easily reach 800x600.

-nobody rides for free-
Mike   2002-01-28 00:31

Just to make sure, I checked my wife's system, and she's running at 800 X 600 using a AGP G200, and here's a link that give the monitor's specs:

Maybe the reason is the driver. I'm using the latest beta G200 driver in this machine, so maybe I should go back to an older driver. I hope to replace this monitor soon with a 17" as soon as I find a good buy. The best deal around is when Staples/CompUSA puts the 17" Envisions on sale for $69.99 with a rebate. I bought one for my setup at work and it's really a nice little monitor... compliments my Sony G500 21" with the Matrox G400 Max DH. But in this case... all I want is 800 X 600 for the time being. You're right about this monitor being old... I think I bought them around '89 and neither one will die. Kinda'like the Volvo with a million and a half miles on it.

C=64   2002-02-01 18:33
As a quick check, I'd recommend SWAP what monitors you're video cards are connected to. If the G200 works fine with your better monitor, it's pretty darn safe to say it's the other monitor that's to blame. :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need Help: ATI 8500DV (Primary) & Matrox G200 (Secondary)

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