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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Setup - Move System Tray To Second Monitor
Davey B   2010-07-07 23:36
Hi, I am really stuck and in need for some help.

I have recently upgraded to a dual monitor setup and have tried several different software, but none of which I have found to allow me to ONLY display the system tray on the secoundary monitor?? Does anyone know how to do this in UltraMon or any other software? I really like UltraMon and would be delighted if this option is available :D

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards
Christian Studer   2010-07-08 12:25
You can't do this with UltraMon, don't know if there's another solution.

Christian Studer -
Davey B   2010-07-08 18:13
Can anyone else please help? I have seen this done so I know it exists.

Thanks in advanced.
ecarlson   2010-07-09 08:52
I thought the system tray always only displayed on 1 monitor.

- Eric
Davey B   2010-07-12 19:01
Surely i'm not the only person wanting to do this?

If UltraMon doesn't offer this can someone please let me know what app does.

I have been searching for ages now and can't find anything :(
Michael   2010-07-13 20:22
Try to use Actual Multiple Monitors from

The second taskbar added by Actual Multiple Monitors has all features of main taskbar like Start button and tray area with notification icons.
ecarlson   2010-07-15 03:05
You say you have seen it done. Are you sure the person wasn't using span mode, which would push the systray to the second monitor?

- Eric
JCMore   2010-07-22 12:29
The way I do this is the following:

1. Unlock your Taskbar by right clicking on it.
2. Click on the Taskbar without letting go of it, and move it to the side top or as u wanted it, to your other monitor.
3. Lock the Task bar and from now on it should stay on the other monitor whenever you log in to Windows.

I hope this is what you were looking for.
Jefe   2010-07-23 01:21
Yup, just tried that out too. Just unlock it and drag it over to the second monitor...
ecarlson   2010-07-23 12:56
A simple ordinary move of the taskbar was going to be my original answer, but then I got the impression he is trying to do something beyond simply moving a single taskbar to another monitor.

If that's all he wants, then yes, it's very easy to do, and doesn't require any special software.

- Eric
Davey B   2010-07-28 04:47
Hi again everyone, firstly i would like to thank everyone you have commented on this thread, i really do appreciate your help, but unfortunately my problem is not solved :(

In basic terms i would like to have my start button on 1 screen and the system tray area on the screen 2. At present i am using UltraMon but all this is doing is just applying another plane taskbar on screen 2. I have seen this done on a 3 screen setup by Alienware, where the start button is on screen 1 and a taskbar leading to screen 3 which has system tray/clock etc.

Appologies for not making myself clear in rthe first place and i really hope someone can help?

Thanking You.
Davey B
ecarlson   2010-07-28 14:44
I'm pretty sure that was span mode, as I mentioned earlier. In Span Mode, the video card/drivers fool Windows into seeing them all as just 1 really wide monitor, so that's why the task bar goes the whole way across all 3 monitors: It's not really separate taskbars per monitor, like with UltraMon.

- Eric
Davey B   2010-08-09 03:15
My problem is still unresolved, anyone else have any suggestions please?

@ ecarlson - no not span mode.
Martin   2010-09-05 22:47
Try this:
- Right click on original windows taskbar - uncheck "Lock the Taskbar", move it to right monitor (secondary) at the bottom position.
- In display settings set right monitor as "primary" and apply.
- Restart PC or logoff then logon again.
- After that on right monitor is your original windows taskbar with system tray, on left monitor is ultramon taskbar - without system tray.
- For hide start button on right monitor try use any hide start menu button utility...
- On left monitor I dont know if ultramon taskbar have posibility show taskbar buton :/
Q   2012-11-19 11:54
This free app will show the start menu on ONE monitor, and the system tray on ALL monitors. If you have more than 2, it is displayed on all of them - I'm not sure if you can configure it to only display on certain ones? I've used it quite a bit, and it doesn't have all the functionality of UltraMon (which is still my fav), but it does have the functionality you are looking for:

Nelson   2013-01-05 12:36
I'd really like to see this option in UltraMon too! I'm so used to seeing the tasktray/time on the right and would like this on my secondary monitor on the right while the start button is on the left (without having to span the screen). Please consider this as an option.

Kindest Regards,

David   2013-01-09 12:14
You might try looking at Display Fusion, it may have that feature.
EnricoD   2018-04-17 00:48
Any News??
I try displayfusion but don't have toolbar,
ultramon have toolbar but not system tray
Only like my needs is Actual Multiple Monitor

But I'd like MultiMonitor concept.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Setup - Move System Tray To Second Monitor

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