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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UV Plus 12
Erich Riesenberg   2010-07-09 01:27
I am using Win 7 64 bit with 4 dual video cards, which allows 8 monitors.

I am trying to also use the UV Plus 12 monitor adapter. I have three adapters hooked up, but only two monitors are working. All three "light up" and appear in the Windows Devices.

Just wondering if this is a known limitation with the UV Plus 12. Will consider another video card or adapter if necessary.

Also, does the Win 7 work with different cards as long as they have the same chipset, such as nVidia 8600? The reason I think I can not use my current cards is two are older, 6000's, and when I install them the computer persistently freezes. I can not get another of the same exact 8600 card because the card slot is different, pci versus agp. So, I will have to try a different one, but am wondering if the same chipset, different slot type will work in Win 7.

Also, Win 7 does allow more than 10 monitors, right?

Thank you.
Christian Studer   2010-07-09 08:52
Can you enable the 11th monitor via UltraMon (UltraMon menu > Display Settings)? As far as I know Windows 7 still only allows you to configure the first 10 monitors.

Windows 7 supports using cards with different drivers, for example ATI + Nvidia, only Vista required each card to use the same driver. That doesn't necessarily mean that all combinations of video cards will work.

Christian Studer -
Erich Riesenberg   2010-07-15 07:55
With my XP I could use different nVidia series, such as 6XXX and 8XXX but it always froze with Win 7.

I had no idea I could try a different chipset.

But now I have 8 through 4 nVidia cards, 2 UV Plus and 1 Startech. The only problem is the Startech does not allow itself to be set with Ultramon, so I can not align the 11th monitor. It only allows itself to be aligned with its own software.

But the 11 monitors seem to be working, though I only installed the Startech today.
Christian Studer   2010-07-15 11:05
Is the Startech a USB video card? Depending on the driver you may not be able to configure such a card via UltraMon on Windows 7, support for this will be in the next release, 3.1.0.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UV Plus 12

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