Axsuul 2010-07-10 18:46
If I watch a movie fullscreened on monitor 1 and then work on monitor 2, the taskbar shows on monitor 1. Is there any way to turn off this behavior or is it a bug? I have the latest version (3.0.10). Thanks
Christian Studer 2010-07-11 14:31
What video player and which version of Windows are you using? The UltraMon taskbar should remain hidden if a fullscreen application is open.
Christian Studer -
Axsuul 2010-07-11 16:48
Sorry, the taskbar is indeed hidden during the movie on the first monitor but if I click or start to do something on the second monitor, the taskbar shows on the first monitor. I'm using VLC on Windows (1.1.0)
Christian Studer 2010-07-12 08:10
I've been able to reproduce the issue with VLC 1.1.0 on 64-bit Windows 7, but this is an issue with Windows or VLC, only happens with the main taskbar.
If VLC runs in fullscreen mode on a monitor with an UltraMon taskbar, the UltraMon taskbar will remain hidden if you work with an application on another monitor.
Christian Studer -