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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Can't find Videosaver
Madonna-Megara Holloway   2010-07-17 06:58
I have loaded Videosaver but I can't find the client side program to load the files. How do I access so I can load in the videos? System is Win 7.

Christian Studer   2010-07-17 12:03
To configure VideoSaver, go to Control Panel > Personalization, click on Screen Saver, then select VideoSaver as your screen saver and click on Settings.

Christian Studer -
Robert   2011-02-12 13:02
I have win7 64 home premium, 3 monitors, i went to change screen saver and videosaver isn't an option, only ultramon, i've tried to dload videosaver like 5 times, i hit run and nothing happens..
Robert   2011-02-12 13:10
Never mind, there was an issue when it downloaded, never installed properly
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Can't find Videosaver

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