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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Disabling secondary Monitor
Wintermute   2002-01-27 22:15
I've played around a little with multi monitor programming, but did not use the ultramon libaries. I already can add a monitor to my vortual desktop programmatically but when I try to detach the secondary monitor nothing happens. I call ChangeDisplaySettingsEx with the right device and dmFields set to DM_Position, dmPelsHeight and dmPelsWidth set to 0, as stated in the MSDN. I've tried some variations and searched the www without results.
Can someone help me with this issue?

Open for everything!

DJ   2003-12-06 02:58
I know it's an old post, but in case anyone comes across this, the solution to this problem can be found in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:;EN-US;Q306399
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Disabling secondary Monitor

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