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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome
richmark   2010-07-29 14:04

Does Ultramon work with Google Chrome? I have a Chrome window open and Ultamon is not there and I can't figure if I can make it work. Thanks.
Christian Studer   2010-07-30 07:20
Unfortunately UltraMon can't add the window buttons due to the custom window title bar used by Chrome, but the Move Window hotkeys should still work fine, you can configure hotkeys under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
richmark   2010-08-21 08:51
A followup. I have 3 monitors. I discovered that on one of my monitors (not the main one) the Ultramon window button does appear and it works, but it doesn't appear or work on the other two monitors.

I can't figure out why but if it works on one I figure maybe there's a way I can get it to work on the others.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
richmark   2010-08-22 04:42
Another update.

Now when I hover over the minimize button in Google Chrome the Ultramon button intermittently appears behind it and I am able to use the button to move the browser to another monitor. It doesn't work every time and I haven't figured out when it will and when it won't, and there's nothing I can figure that I am doing to make it work. It just works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.
Christian Studer   2010-08-22 11:44
Haven't seen this myself so far, which version of UltraMon, Chrome and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
richmark   2010-08-23 00:21
UM 2.7.1
Chrome 5.0.375.127

Today it is working seamlessly on all three monitors. Sometimes the UM button shows up behind the IE7 minimize button and sometimes in front of it.
Christian Studer   2010-08-23 10:26
Version 2 handles the window buttons differently than version 3, that might explain the behavior you get.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome

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