Charles Scott 2010-07-29 14:55
I think the title says it all. I am using Ultramon in non-mirroring mode. I set the screen saver to "UltraMon | Windows Live Photo Gallery). I choose the folder and the mode and it works perfectly on monitor #1, however, although preview screens show both monitors working, monitor #2 just goes black instead of also showing photos.
I would like it to show different photos than are on monitor #1, but even the same photos is better than a black screen.
Christian Studer 2010-07-30 07:21
Please try if checking the 'preview mode' option for the primary monitor fixes the problem.
Christian Studer -
Charles Scott 2010-07-30 14:41
When I checked "Preview Mode" for monitor #2, it did solve the problem. That is, it now shows the same pictures on both monitors at the same time.
Is there any way to make it show different pictures on each monitor?
Christian Studer 2010-07-31 08:33
Not as far as I know, UltraMon runs two instances of the screen saver, but they both use the same settings.
What you could do is use a slideshow screen saver with native multi-monitor support instead, for example gPhotoShow supports showing different images on each monitor.
Christian Studer -
Dan Reid 2011-01-22 07:59
I am having a similar issue with Windows Live Photo Gallery. If I leave the preview box unchecked the screensaver only shows on my primary monitor. But when I do check it the screen is blank on both monitors. But the odd thing is, is when I press the preview screensaver it works perfectly. It is only when I do Launch from the ultramon menu or lit the screensaver come on automatically. I am currently only previewing ultramon but planning on buying it. Especially if I can get this to work. I am running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
Christian Studer 2011-01-22 10:31
Sounds like the issue with the Photos screen saver on Windows 7/Vista, unfortunately I never found out what causes this.
Christian Studer -